
Praise and kind words - much appreciated.

Dear Rabbi Bella, thank you for a fantastic few weeks of High Holy Days. We so appreciate your thoughtful preparation, your intellectual stimulation, your spiritual inspiration, your musical skills, and the great balance of traditional and progressive liturgy. I personally appreciate the passion and compassion you bring to your work and I know others do as well. Thank you!
— Matt Cordova
President, B'nai Torah, Brentwood CA
Thank you, Bella, for sending me your beautiful Ohr Chadash... You are blessed with a beautiful voice and a wise heart.
May you continue to receive the gift of inspiration and lift us up with your love.
— Hanna Tiferet, HannaTiferet.com
Dear Rabbi Bella,

Last night was amazing. My heart was so full of the inspiration of your words. I was there last night. I am so happy that I am learning who I am and what my community stands for. I have really never had that before. All I can say is thank you for opening the door to let me walk through.

Bless you Bella
— Rickie Roarke, Congregation Shir Shalom
Dearest Bella-

I wish to thank you for the very meaningful service you conducted tonight for Peggy. Your words spoke exactly how I feel, your song so comforting. Thank you Bella, for your presence and your friendship.
— Gwen
Thank you so much for making the Days of Awe (formerly High Holy Days) meaningful, beautiful, and very personal. I appreciate your gifts and talents that you share.
— Henry, Congregation Shir Shalom